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Gary Brandin  

Item #CD-TV01

The Vanduras
"In The Dark"

Somewhere between surf and space is a point of sonic delight. That's where The Vanduras (Geoffrey and Gary Brandin) make their music. Geoffrey Brandin plays guitar in the classic surf style and covers the percussion and keyboard parts. But for us steelers, Gary Brandin is the real star here. He's also one of the most often heard steel players in the world right now, thanks to his work with The Blue Hawaiians and the hit cartoon series "Spongebob Squarepants".

The CD is a mellow mix of surf, Hawaiian, spaghetti western and space music, all done in hi-fi so lush you'll want to go out and buy new stereo equipment! Gary's tone is often reminiscent of Jerry Byrd's best records. Geoffrey's big guitar sound reminds me of Billy Strange. They wrote 11 of the CD's 13 instrumentals, and none are throwaways. This relaxing CD is destined to become one of my all-time favorites.

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  1. In The Dark
  2. La Planche
  3. The Big Hurt
  4. El Monte
  5. Cybele's Reverie
  6. Lost Beach
  7. Dinner with Robert
  8. Charlotte
  9. Sarajevo Rose
  10. Rope'n Pineapples
  11. Theme for Troubled Teens
  12. Atomic
  13. Levitare

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