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Larry Bell  

Forum member Larry Bell has been playing the 12 string Universal tuning for over 30 years. He's one of the tuning's strongest and most knowledgable advocates in Forum discussions, and he's no slouch at playing it, either. Larry plays a 1969 Emmons S-12 6+6 and a 2003 Fessenden SD-12 8+8. You can entertain yourself by guessing which guitar he used on these recordings!


Item #C-016

"I've Got Friend in COLD Places"

Larry has made a lot of musician friends in the 30-odd years he's been living in Michigan, hence the title of this CD. Recorded in 2004, the set includes a wide variety of musical styles including country, pop, jazz and western swing. Larry's friends are a first class back-up band, giving Larry's excellent U-12 stylings the spotlight on every track.

  1. Pterodactyl Ptales
  2. In My Room
  3. Move It or Lose It*
  4. Windy & Warm
  5. Anthrology
  6. Ballad for J.T.*
  7. Rikki, Don't Lose That Number
  8. Ashokan Farewell
  9. St. Thomas
  10. Alison
  11. If I Only Had a Brain
  12. You Won't See Me
  13. Dance of the Snoids*
  14. I Fall to Pieces
  15. I Don't Know Why
  16. Uncle Phil* 
  17. *written by Larry Bell


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